Falcon 4.0 v1.04 The following problems have been fixed in version 1.04: Thee Campaign debriefing would report you as MIA (Missing in Action) even after you successfully completed a mission and landed. In Tactical Engagement, ground units could be moved when in play mode (vs. edit mode). In Tactical Engagement, steerpoints for ground units could not be moved when in play mode. In Tactical Engagement, ground units did not move to their objectives. In Tactical Engagement, you could not assign a destination to ground units. In Tactical Engagement, you could not right-click on a package icon or open the ATO window to edit flights in the package. More memory leaks have been fixed. The Logbook did not report the correct number of flight hours, including in multiplayer games. Text in editable boxes (such as the Phone Book) is now saved when you hit the OK button. In earlier versions, you had to first press the Enter key. The following simulation changes have been made in version 1.04: The F-16's landing gear was strengthened to be more realistic. Padlock sorting is now working correctly. You can now padlock onto missiles. The Glance Forward function has been sped up to be more realistic and useful. The bullseye readout is now correct. You now get more advance warning for missiles inbound. The tanker's director lights and calls for positioning are fixed. In Easy Avionics mode, the HUD now displays the "SHOOT" cue for AGM-65 Mavericks. Rudder authority was reduced to be more realistic. You will no longer be able to perform loops easily in the F-16 using only rudders. You can no longer cruise above Mach 1 in Mil power at high altitude. The FLCS (Flight Control System) can no longer pull Gs significantly above 9Gs. Therefore, the F-16 now behaves more realistically when pulling Gs near corner speed. The amount of fuel onboard no longer increases at high speeds at low altitude nor at idle at high altitude. AGM-88A HARMs now guide more accurately and thus are more effective. When you fire the last HARM, you can now change to other weapons, the cursors work and the game no longer occasionally crashes. You can now set your air-to-ground radar (GM, GMT or SEA) to standby (Ctrl-R) without the game crashing. You no longer have to double-click the Cursor Zero function in air-to-ground radar. The SMS no longer freezes if you try to ripple more bombs than you have on your F-16. Brakes no longer work if the landing gear collapses. Wingmen no longer add steerpoints to your HSD when they are low on fuel. AWACS now responds appropriately to the "Declare" radio command by calling out the target under your radar cursors. AWACS now correctly vectors players to threats and tankers. In Tactical Engagement, the kneeboard map now displays correct information, including steerpoints. The following AI changes have been made in version 1.04: AI pilots no longer collide when changing formations. AI pilots now use air-to-ground weapons (including the recon camera) more effectively. AI pilots no longer return to base right after taking off. AI pilots behave more intelligently during dogfights, especially close-in dogfights. AI pilots do not "wiggle" their planes as much during dogfights. AI pilots use afterburner more appropriately (for example, they do not use afterburner as much during non-combat flight). AI pilots now land more reliably. Wingmen now respond appropriately when you tell them to attack. AI pilots now give their correct fuel states when you radio them. Ground traffic at airbases should no longer get cluttered (that is, fewer Traffic jams on the taxiways). The following radio changes have been made in version 1.04: Callsigns more accurately reflect the actual pilot now. ATC (Air Traffic Control) issues proper landing and takeoff clearances. AI pilots no longer repeat the same call as much. ATC now handles emergency landing requests more effectively. The following multiplayer changes have been made in version 1.04: You will no longer enter the plane with the autopilot already engaged. In Dogfight and Campaign, you will now always see the ROE (Rules of Engagement) screen if your settings do not match the host's requirements. In Dogfight, you now correctly lose a single point if you eject or crash into the ground without being damaged. In a Dogfight game over the LAN, scoring should be correct. In Dogfight, all players should now see each other. Over a LAN, reentry issues within the Dogfight setup are fixed. In a Match Play game, the Sierra Hotel screen always comes up now when the match ends. In a Match Play game over a LAN, both players and AI aircraft now respawn correctly. In the Dogfight debriefing, ejecting without being damaged is now listed correctly in the Events list (rather than "Killed by debris"). The Chat window now automatically scrolls. Chatting within the simulation (Shift-T) now works correctly. Remember, that if you want to talk to everyone (friendlies and enemies), you need to set your radio to the Broadcast channel (channel 6). The following enhancements have been added to version 1.04: If you want to set your throttle's afterburner position to something other than the default, you can now do so for one game session. First, set your throttle to wherever you would like the afterburner detent to be. Then click the "Set AB" button at the Controllers setup screen. The AB position is marked with a green line on the Throttle readout. Some joysticks report to Windows that they have rudders even though none are connected. If you wish to disable any rudder input (regardless of whether you actually have rudder pedals or not), you can use the command line parameter of "-norudder." First, "Run" from the Start menu. Then, type "C:\MicroProse\Falcon4\falcon4.exe -norudder" in the Run dialog box. You can delete files from within the game by right-clicking on the filename in the Load dialog box and choosing "Delete." This means that you can now delete ACMI files from within Falcon 4.0. The following graphics changes have been made in version 1.04: Special effects for sparks have been improved. This patch is for the US version only!